Yanko Design

Chromazon / A Giant Skeleton with Colorful Leafies

Chromazon is a design installation whose color and construction make it an environment to behold. Did I say whose? Its organic nature makes it not just an art installation, not just a park bench: Chromazon is unnatural nature. Lately (the last ten years?) in our modern architectural design environment* competitiveness is a must. The Chromazon encapsulates the world’s new(?) radically concentrated love for design in all things.

*See also: Dubai (the town/city) for architectural competitiveness.

What this project is, simply, is a design installation. It was a finalist for a museum competition**, and is roughly 9 to 12 feet tall in the higher places. Its for outdoors, people can rest under it, and read under it, and gaze at it… But alas, this installation does not presently exist in the real world, it’s only a model. **Chromazon was a MoMA/PS1 YAP 2008 Finalist.

This is a architectural designer’s naturalistic beautification installation. I’d like giant color pedals at my local library or museum, wouldn’t you? I’m not sure if I’d feel enlightened to be there, or if I’d feel like I was in Alice’s wonderland. It’s big stuff.

You like the big?

Designer: SU11 Studio

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