
High Fashion Tech

The ASUS Z-LUXX series of smartphones, laptops, tablets and covers are designed not only for the tech but for the look! Each features a stylish…

Bric-a-Brac Mac

Apple thought that the most natural progression in terms of design for the Macbook was to make it sleeker and colour it gold. The guys…

Solar Powered Laptop

We see solar paneled backpacks enjoying much success, so if we push the boundaries of innovative thinking then is the solar powered laptop too much…

Visible Keys

Wow Clear is a keyboard cover that magnifies the letterings and also provides OLED backlighting. The concept germinated from the thought process that as we…

Desk on the Run

Where do you use your laptop? Chances are… everywhere! Here’s an all-in-one solution for comfy working no matter where you are. The modular, foldable desk…