
Precious Pedal

As you might’ve guessed from the name, the Diamante’s cutting-edge frame takes inspiration from the precious stone. Not only a symbol of luxury, its shape…

A Bike Without the eXcess

The minimalist Connondale X-Bicycle concept earns its name for the extreme X-shaped frame that enhances its modern function and style. The monocoque carbon fiber frame…

Wood & Light, Day & Night

Designer Dor Ben Shabat’s “Wood & Light” series of bicycle accessories focuses on enhancing visibility of riders day and night without sacrificing style. Any cruiser…

The Handsome Hawg

The latest from the gearheads at Thunderbike, the Precision-R project showcases their custom Frame-Kit and original Thunderbike Monoblock wheels cnc-machined out of solid aluminum blocks….

Print-on-Demand Bicycle

For maximum efficiency and economic sensibility, the Luna Bicycle features 3D-printed components mixed with off-the-shelf parts. The design’s printed pieces include a nylon frame, front…