
Life-Saving Bracelet

Designed with runners, hikers, and campers in mind, Peacelet aims to provide easy access to venom antidotes in the event of emergency. Worn directly on…


Futuristic concept art doesn’t usually go hand in hand with reality. They intend to portray something shrouded in impossibility, but beautiful nevertheless. After all, what…

IVs Made Easy

The Smart Roller Clamp utilizes a minimalistic yet effective user interface to simultaneously make nurses’ job easier and reduce human error. Traditionally, nurses would have…

The Infrared Walking Cane

Simply called the Safe Stick, this revolutionary walking stick for sight-impaired individuals goes beyond the limitations of traditional designs, utilizing a network of checkpoints at…

Surety of Purity

Your immune system takes quite a beating when you’re sick. Which means you’re susceptible to catching more diseases than before. The importance of air purity…