Recycling Your Way to Total Beauty

One person’s recycling is another person’s garage sale. One person’s trash is another person’s jewelry construction. Take a peek at this collection of recycled jewelry by Indregru. Several different constructs for several different purposes, and oh my goodness, a photo shoot with the ladies of the recycling plant!

For the project final presentation photosession was made in the recycling station. Women in photos are the EMP operators working on waste sorting line. They are those who first make contact to the materials from which these accessories were created.

I love it! This should also be put on all those “made” sites I’d say. But then you take a look at them, and wows, they could be manufactured! The only hand-made part would have to be the collecting of the trash! They’re genius of course, and the photo shoot – fabulous.

Designer: Indregru
Project tutor: doc. Migle Kibildiene
Photograph: Paulius Mazuras
Year: 2009


Recycled Jewelry Design by Indregru





